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EMASI Students Discover About Active Learning At Home

Continuing the week of absence from school to prevent the Corona virus epidemic, EMASI students are working hard and voluntarily studying at home with the enthusiastic guidance of teachers and the effective support of their parents.

In addition to ensuring uninterrupted knowledge acquisition, the focus of this short-term home-based learning is to cultivate the spirit of self-study and the ability to study independently and in groups. But above all, it is done to guarantee of the health of the students during the Corona virus outbreak.

Kindergarten and Elementary students are being sent lesson information, and homework via email with visual lectures and videos. For example: For Kindergarten classes, today, all kids are being taught the topic: “Take care for yourself”. Children learn about viruses that cause disease, many shapes of viruses, and practice with their parents some skills of protecting themselves and others when coughing and sneezing, such as by covered their faces with their elbows, and trying on a mask with their parents when going out.

Elementary students in older grades have become familiar with the Microsoft Teams online learning / teamwork tool (Office 365). Therefore, distance learning becomes quite convenient. The teachers hand over the homework and time to the students, afterwards they finish on time and send it back to teachers. If students have questions or do not understand something, they will immediately respond and be enthusiastically supported by teachers. The teachers also informed and coordinated with parents about the time they would use laptops and computers to study and do homework to prevent them from using the technology for other purposes. For example: Grade 5A of EMASI Van Phuc School have recently been taught by the form teacher to implement a small project, which was “Please write a letter to the people of Wuhan / China during the Corona virus outbreak today”.

Middle & High School students who have mastered Microsoft Teams (Office 365) to receive lectures, ask questions when they have them, and look closely at the answers of some form teachers and subject teachers on the channels of online learning groups.

We are happy because our students and teachers have gradually become familiar with, and are able to interact effectively with this type of distance learning. We wish all children and parents lots of health and happiness to successfully complete this week of learning at home and to prepare for the return to school next Monday, February 17, 2020.

There are some pictures of EMASI students’ active learning at home and their teachers’ effective online supports: